apple blossom time
fragrant, delicate, lovely
hiding bitter fruit

Flowering crab trees are a highlight of my Spring; they remind me of classic Asian art, just in real life.
Bethel Seminary's campus is full of big, old crab trees, which this weekend left a blanket of blossoms on the lawn.

But while gorgeous and sweet-smelling in Spring.. they produce only little sour apples in Fall. And isn't that like some of us, too? We go through a season of promise and delight, but the end result is pretty useless (unless you add a boatload of sugar, and try for jelly!) ;)

No wonder Jesus said, of trees and people: "by their fruit you shall know them." Doesn't really matter how pretty the blossoms are.. unless that's all you see them as being good for: a temporary treat for the senses. I think I've learned to simply enjoy what delight is offered, when it's offered.. with crab trees, at least.

With people... somehow I still expect the fruit to match the blossoms.
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