Thursday, January 07, 2010

Well, then.

So a couple of posts back I talked about this 3-question approach to preparing for the future - three questions to ask yourself: what you fear, what you know to be true, what's the best you can hope for.

Sunday afternoon I gave that a whirl. Woh. Difficult stuff.

The fear list is short, but significant and persistent.

The truth list is long, but split between positive & negative.

The hope-for list is long, but mostly near-term changes (< 5 yrs).
Not much hoped-for out there on the far horizon.


I suppose if you don't have hopes that reach out beyond 5 years, it might be that you simply don't think that far ahead. Or... that when you do look that far ahead, there's very little out there that seems hope-ful. You know, "Here Be Dragons" and all that.

Also, it was interesting to see, for an introvert who values autonomy highly, just where relationships figured in all this. The answer:
heavily. In every list.


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