Apparently the cancellation was last-minute, as the music critic in Friday's paper was raving about how cool the concert would be tonight, so the media didn't know about it, either. Oh well. Maybe it will still be cool on May 6. That is, if I'm still here. :/

While I was staring dumbly at the sign, a guy came up to me, looked at the sign and shrieked "I flew in all the way from Salt Lake City for this gig!" Woh. I shouldn't feel bad, I guess. We could adjust plans mid-stride, and thanks to cell phone internet, determine on the way out of Dinkytown which movie theatre had the best showing times for "The Book of Eli". Denzel filled in admirably for Low. ;)
So, just like in all of life, you adapt to the circumstances you're handed, right? Job cancelled unexpectedly? Adapt. Change course mid-stride. Use the tools at your disposal and act decisively. You may yet find something worth doing.
And while adapting, some parts of life go on as is. Like studying at Caribou today, for NT501: Gospels. That, at least, felt normal.

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