Friday, January 22, 2010

Feeling a bit stressed

Well, yeah, maybe not quite THIS stressed. But stressed nonetheless.

No matter how many times I've been through the upheaval of a job change and related relocation, and know the process intimately (including the delays, the uncertainty, the rising and falling of hopes), familiarity doesn't quite take away the stress.

I'd like to think I'm all Zen about it now, but not quite. All right, yes, I'm doing better than this guy (the mash-up artist known as Girl Talk), but... not all that much!

By the way... Girl Talk reminds me way too much of Frank Silva, the guy who played the psycho-killer Bob on the 1990 TV series and subsequent movie Twin Peaks. Creepy show and creepy character. And it's the main reason I can't listen to Girl Talk's music. Really! The guy's face just creeps me out.

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