Saturday, January 23, 2010

Let the Word teach

Today it was my turn to be the "Proclaimer of the Word" (i.e. the lector) at St. Rose's, and I drew two really looooong passages, Nehemiah 8, and I Cor 12 (almost the whole chapter of each.)

The old worship leader mentality comes out in me, and I'm a little worried about how much time these are going to take, and how long the congregation's attention span is for lengthy readings like these.

In the sacristy, I'm warming up and getting my dynamics and pauses down, and I notice that there is a "short version" of the I Corinthians passage available to read in the lectionary. Fr. Fitz was right there, so I ask him which he would prefer, and he says: "oh, just read the whole thing! Let the Word teach."

Yeah, man. I like it. That's a priestly attitude I can admire.

And then, halfway through his homily, he comes over and grabs the book from me and rereads a line from Nehemiah about the people listening ATTENTIVELY when Ezra read to them the words of the Law. He teases the congregation about giving him the same attention, then brings the book back and gives me a wink. :)

Funny guy, Fr. Fitz. I like him. He also sings at the top of his voice. All the time. On pitch or not. ;)

After Mass, the head usher pulls me aside and says... "very well done." Aww.. :) Thanks! Every time I get to serve as Lector and proclaim the Word, I feel privileged. It's an honor to be in the procession holding the Gospel high, and I want to read the Word in such a way that the faithful in the pews are engaged in it. They seemed to be today.

Thanks be to God.

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