Saturday, June 06, 2009

UP! and away...

Went last night to see Pixar's "UP!", in 3-D (which was a new experience. Wow.)

Pixar's done it again. I don't know how you can go to this movie and not either laugh or cry. I, of course, did both. ;) So cleverly fantastic and so emotionally real.

Greg Boyd, in his blog, reviewed the movie, too - and I can't say it any better than he does. So I won't try.

And now, the East Coast calls (specifically, the Blue Ridge), and... we're off! Off connecting with extended family and old friends, off exploring as we drive there, and maybe even off the grid at times.

Awayayayay! :)

1 comment:

Future Urban Planner said...

I heard that the little vignette that they do right before the full-length movie is surprisingly touching- more so than the average movie-goer is epecting- perhaps there is a deus ex machina or ghost in the amphora?

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