Monday, January 05, 2009

We Meant It!

Peggy Noonan is a favorite columnist of mine. Yeah, I know, she's a former speechwriter for Reagan, but for being a conservative (which, last I checked, was not yet a sin!), she also has a real heart. :)

Anyway, in her latest column, she sums up the year 2008 with this:

For me, the quote of the year was from a Democratic political strategist, a black woman, off air on election night. She walked up to an anchorwoman who is white, and said, "I'm trying to figure out what so moves me and I realize it's this: You meant it." The anchor shook her head. "You all said you would vote for a black man," said the strategist. "You all said you'd judge him on his merits, race wouldn't stop you. I didn't know until tonight that you meant it."

Darn right we meant it! Now... let's see him use those merits for the good of the whole country. For everybody. Not just for his base.

We elected him to be president of the whole country, not some slice of it. I think that the vast majority of us, whether we voted for him or not, want the new president to be successful, do well, make us a better country.

You lead well, Mr. Obama, and we'll follow. We know you have your hands full, we'll cut you some slack. Just... lead well. Please.

1 comment:

Future Urban Planner said...

Who is the follower of the Corporate Casualty? Who knows what lurks in the hearts of men? Only the Shadow knows! Heehee. Anywho- just wanted to let you know that I downloaded Calexico's Carried to Dust from amazon for 5 bux!!! As you know I try to support used music stores, but Calexico is unfailingly always at least 10 bux- (like Flogging Molly) and my cutoff is usually 13 tops. But 15 trks for 5 bux!!!! Also, I'm going to pick up Flogging Molly on itunes for 10 bux each- I can never find them for less than 13 :-( I owe ya one! ;-)

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