Aaaaaaaa! Stop that!
He did seem remorseful, which is something, anyway.
The steri-strips came off last night. Boy, did it feel good to not have those things pulling against fabric. And to shower without them. :) The incisions are so teeny, to have caused such pain!

As to recovery, he thinks I'm ahead of schedule as to range of motion, walking without a limp, weight bearing, etc. The only concern was the size of the bruising. Must have been some internal bleeding at the upper incision (which is the only one that went through muscle.)
There is some pain still on the inside edge, so I am to keep up the double-strength Aleve, and take care to NOT to twist the knee, but keep it aligned with the leg and foot. Straight is good, twisted is not.
I've been on an exercise bike twice now, and he suggested that I try both an elliptical trainer and regular walking around the track. After Christmas I am cleared to try jogging a few laps.
Ooh! I never thought I'd be excited to be cleared to run!
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