(Which I take medication for, incidentally. My body doesn't naturally produce lightheartedness, apparently, so I have to take supplements. And in my case, they really should be given to me intravenously. If I forget my daily lightheartedness dose, I tend to go off on uncontrolled binges of horribly misplaced self-importance of the maudlin self-pity variety. Not pretty.)

Props to E for the idea, and to despair.com for the image. Clever.
Ok. I'll respond now :).
First things first: yay for conquering crutches, iodine, and doctor's comments
of course you're right, once is NOT silly, except maybe when she drags her hoover down the crowded streets of dublin... that was funny.
and then: I don't know if I'd say that male/female needs change, per se... wives still desire affirmation (call it love if you want) from husbands and husbands will still struggle with provision (..accomplishment). everyone wants a meaningful life.. I don't know if I'd attribute that to gender... perhaps it's "have i been a good enough mother/father" or "why haven't i impacted the world" or "is God pleased with this life he's given me?" but it's all the same question really..
and... wonderful purely platonic relationships don't really exist very often, unfortunately. but of course they aren't the same.. so a single woman would of course have some confidence issues.. but would these be any different than a single man who has tried pursuing a few women and who have subsequently turned him down again. and again.
so i guess basically, do you think there is such a thing as generic gender differences? not for one season of life, but for all of them?..
((double deck pinochle?))
Generic gender differences (as to needs)? Your OP made it sound as if you and your group subscribed to the idea...
I suppose it depends on whether or not you believe that the Imago Dei "stamped" on humankind comes in male and female versions, which only reflect God when visibly unified in community (whether in the small communion that we call a marriage, or something larger.) That's worth a discussion!
As to aging, old Abe Maslow has some wisdom to offer. Some needs really are generic (safety, affirmation, actualization, etc.), and if we don't get those met over time, the natural process of growth and aging may be affected. Another discussion!
And yeah, double deck for sure. :) I can hardly wait!
right right, I just meant I don't know if I think gender differences change with age.. but rather are "stamped" by God regardless of tween or senior citizen.
hoorah. bring on the snow. bring on the family. bring on the football and cards!
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