Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Triduum, Part 3

Darkness and silence.

The lights were subdued to begin with, but when 8PM came, all the lights went out, and only the occasional cell phone glowed as they were being turned off.

Shadows of a procession began emerging from one wing of the church, necessarily going slowly because they couldn't see their way in the darkness. Eventually they made it to the middle of the center aisle, where a basin of tinder was lit and a flame rose in the dark, driving it back. An enormous Easter Candle was lit from the flame, little candles from that, and then the servers lit the candles in the pews that each of us had, the light spreading throughout the church.

Protestants may be used to a Christmas Eve candlelight service, where something similar is done, except this time there was no soft music being played underneath, no "Silent Night". Just that beautiful Catholic silence. So very still..

Fr. Fitz sang the Exultet (about 10 minutes worth of the Gospel.) That, plus the homily.. I told one of the other candidates (who came from a background in the Assemblies of God) afterwards that it was about the clearest presentation of the Gospel in word and song that I had ever heard, and she agreed. "Right on the money, too," she said.

You would have been hard pressed as a visitor tonight to walk away and not know what we believed and why. And even if you were a "cradle Catholic" raised in the church.. how could you not be moved by the service, and the renewal of your baptismal vows?

Well, the lights stayed down, only the Easter candle burning, through all the Old Testament readings and responses, then came up one bank of lights at a time, to each measure of the Gloria, until after one full verse the church was ablaze with light, and Fr. Fitz was smiling as broadly and genuinely as I have ever seen him.. and I sure know why. I was, too. :)

After the homily, which focused on our being reconciled to God because of Easter, it was time for the Litany of the Saints. Sort of a musical listing of the heroes and heroines of the faith from Adam & Eve onward, giving you the idea that you really are part of a "great cloud of witnesses" as the author of Hebrews says.

My senses were engaged tonight. The sprinkling of the congregation with Holy Water was back again. Three times the incense was used, and sitting in the front pews, the candidates got the full experience of the smoke billowing out and diffusing, first seen, then smelled - it seemed like the presence of the Spirit of God filling the temple. The music was delightful and rich to my ears, including the Hallelujah Chorus and familiar Easter hymns. I felt the warm touch of the oil on my forehead (still there as I type this), the priest's hands on my head, my sponsor's hand on my shoulder, saw the hands of the congregation extended toward me, saw them all smiling, heard the applause of welcome (almost a cheer!), and of course the taste of the bread and wine - finally! :)

All my senses engaged: thank you, God. I think I recognized you with them tonight. Finally. Finally.

After the Eucharist, since we newbies went first, there was lots of time to kneel and pray. I made good use of the time. :) I'm afraid I lost track of time, in fact. After praying for those I love, my mind went silent for a bit and I felt my heart warming, and a grin spreading across my face. Psalm 51 came unbidden to mind, and the section that begins "create in me a clean heart, O God", and ends with "restore unto me the joy of your salvation" looped through my prayers again and again, and I felt that joy being restored as I prayed. When my hands moved from covering my face to being cupped in anticipation of receiving grace, I must have had this beatific look on my face.. then I heard the kneelers thumping upwards and realized.. oops. I need to be done here. ;)

Now, who knows what lasting change has happened over these last months, culminating in Easter Vigil? Maybe lots, maybe none. But I will say this:

I felt new inside.

Now to sleep fast. 6AM alarm for a 7AM run-through of worship team at EnCompass comes really early. Then after second service some new people from church come over for Easter dinner.. it'll be a full day Sunday. But a good one, I think. :)

He is risen!

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