Saturday, March 15, 2008

Shhh... just listen...

"I've learned, too, that I don't really know much about anything. I mean, I used to have all these theories about life. I thought I had everybody figured out, even God, but I don't.

"And yet the chemicals in my brain that make me feel beauty when I look up at the stars, when I watch the sunset, indicate I must be here for a reason.

"I think I would sum it up this way: life is not a story about me, but it is being told to me. And I can be glad of that.

"Relationships between men and women indicate something of the nature of God - that He is relational, that He feels love and loss. It's all metaphor, and the story is about us; it's about all of us who God made, and God Himself, just enjoying each other.

"I think we are supposed to love our friends and introduce people to the story, to the peaceful, calming why of life. I think life is spirituality."

----- Donald Miller, "Through Painted Deserts"

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