Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tastes and cravings

Had my first Miller Lite (with lime) Sunday night after sitting out all of Lent in the alcohol department.

My taste reaction: Eh. Is that what I had been craving during those first weeks of Lent? Why? It's not *that* great.

My body reaction: a little woozy. :) After only 2/3 of a can. That's sort of different. Hm. Guess I'd gotten a bit too used to it.

At this point, I have no desire to go mix myself a martini or a gin & tonic. No longing to open a nice bottle of syrah. And I guess I should have known it would be like this, given the fight I've had in the past with sugar cravings.

After laying off sugar for a long time, the cravings went away, and a whole bar of chocolate actually was a bit too much to take. Deny yourself something long enough and you stop wanting/needing it so badly, I guess.

But then.. when you eventually DO have some.. your normal portion from before turns out to be almost too much. The effect that a little bit brings you is pretty substantial, the kick pretty potent.

After you've recalibrated yourself, if you still enjoy something that you used to crave, you can then proceed to enjoy it again, but... in moderation. That way, your appetites don't control you.. you control your appetites. Which, as my therapist would say, is just healthier all the way around.

Hm. I suppose there's application here to more than just food & drink, isn't there?

Wiser people than me figured that out a long time ago. Maybe it just took Lent and the events of Holy Week this year to adjust my perspective on things. I guess I'm kind of slow. :)

But eventually.. I learn. Eventually.

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