The telecommuting offer is still good, and hard copy of the offer is en route.. plus the little company in Southern WI called.. they want me to visit. More later, after I enjoy my Sicilian barley soup and ratatouille salad.. :) (oh yeah, watermelon for dessert.)

There. Much better. :)
The ratatouille salad was marvelous! And colorful. :) (photo suitable for enlarging - just click)
Eggplant, green and yellow zucchini, orange and white bell peppers all coated with olive oil and baked until browned and soft. Then, tossed with feta & parmesan cheese and grape tomatoes and balsamic vinegar. Wow. Really good.
And the soup - mmmm. Maybe a little too much black pepper (when they say "to taste" - I just dump some in).. but some people would think there wasn't enough. Anyway, it was pretty, and good. Never got time to grill the sweet Italian sausage, though. Too many phone calls at 5 and 5:30. But, good phone calls! And hey - a vegetarian meal now and then isn't a bad thing. ;)
Okay. The latest. A hard offer to telecommute should be in hand by the weekend. Start date 9/17. Decent terms. So.. I called the grad school and cancelled the on-campus apartment. Whew! I wasn't looking forward to that. :( And now I can sign up for RCIA classes in fall, too, as it looks pretty likely I'll be here.
But no ordering the lawn service to fertilize for fall, and no ordering window treatments upper and lower, and no further unpacking in the basement until the little company in Southern WI has their say. There's one last thing to rule out - or accept - before any more is committed to at this house. But that will certainly be settled before 9/17, and before grad school classes start on 9/24.
Their HR guy is setting up a trip and interview itinerary, while the HR gal from the KC company is inquiring into the details of needed computer and office equipment at the house here. Still spinning multiple plates, but.. only two. :) And on only one path: transitioning to teaching, yes. But gradually, and with less debt.
(sigh) Good.
Good. Good.
I'm ready to work again. And study - systematic theology I, II, and III. :)
*****venting from earlier in the day*****
This is driving me crazy! :(
Grad school housing is calling, asking: when are you going to pick up your keys? Move in to the apartment?
I DON"T KNOW!!! (sorry for shouting..)
It's like singing tenor in choir. I just want to resolve this last suspended chord, you know? It's been sustained so long waiting for the Director to direct the ending! When will He wave the baton? I keep drawing little catch breaths to be able to keep singing, but...
At least I have mid-terms to grade, and ratatouille salad to prepare for tonight. SOMEthing!
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