Tuesday, August 28, 2007



Taught methods of inventory tonight. Ugh. This syllabus is all screwed up. They skip the chapters on Balance Sheet and Income Statement and then try to teach methods of determining your cost of goods sold. Why? Without the first two topics you don't even know to *care* about cost of goods sold..

Plus, this is a math class! It's not economics, it's not accounting.. it's math! Grr... if I teach this course again, I'll change a few things.

Next week we *finally* get to talk about cool stuff: measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion. Something exciting, you know? I mean, who doesn't like to discuss mean, median, mode, standard deviation, and the normal distribution? Ahh.. real math. :) Thrills my nerdy heart.

There's a beauty and a romance to math, you know.. Really!

Hey, as a little test, let's see if I can't throw together a quick bit of poetry just on the spur of the moment here about the beauty of math.. I pledge not to take more than 2 minutes, including editing.

Let's go with a haiku, since it uses a scheme of prime numbers for its syllables :) (5 + 7 + 5 = 17... all primes)

come and count with me
show to me your symmetry
let me take your sum

mmm... romantic, isn't it? Math can stir your blood if you let it..

Okaaaay. I'm sure I've lost some of you. ;)

So back to the practical. I heard from the recruiter today that the written offer letter I've been fretting over is hung up in New York awaiting one last signature. (sigh) It *will* come out, she says. Okay. At least it's a plausible explanation. And depending on how long it takes, I may be able to squeeze in my last interview at the little company in Southern WI before I have to say yes or no. I suppose that would be good.

Tomorrow, off to the state fair! Yay! Elephant ears! Cheese curds! Taffy apples! Farm animals! Spam burgers! (Really. Not to mention Ole and Lena's Hot Dish On A Stick.)

I'm sure I'll be ill on Thursday, but.. so what? I don't have to work! :) hahahahahahahahaha...

Like that's funny.

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