Friday, February 24, 2006

Blog Chain Letter

I've seen this on two blogs that I read regularly. It's kind of like doing the wave... if the people around you do it... you feel compelled to join them.

Four jobs I've had:
1. Life Insurance Sales
2. Lounge Singer (yes, I got paid)
3. VP of Safety Engineering
4. Actuary

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. The Godfather (Series)
2. Amadeus
3. The Natural
4. Singing in the Rain

Four places I've lived:
1. Wausau, WI
2. Visalia, CA
3. Hartford, CT
4. Freeport, IL

Four TV shows I love:
1. 24
2. Smallville
3. Alias
4. Law & Order

Four places I've vacationed:
1. New Orleans, LA
2. Portland, ME
3. Lake Tahoe, CA
4. On a train across Canada

Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Beef Stroganoff
2. Mommy's Chicken Soup
3. Italian Meatloaf
4. Creme Brulee

Last four books I've read:
1. Doctor Zhivago
2. Girlfriend In A Coma
3. Quirkyalone
4. A Prayer For Owen Meany

Last four movies I've seen:
1. Brokeback Mountain
2. The Squid and the Whale
3. Firewall
4. Transamerica

Four sites I visit daily:
2. Drudge Report
3. Craigslist
4. (go MU)

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Iceland
2. Scotland
3. New Zealand
4. Heaven

My Seven Dream Jeopardy Categories (thank you Douglas Coupland in Microserfs)
1. The American Graffiti Soundtrack
2. Singing Falsetto
3. Home Winemaking
4. Side Effects of Testosterone
5. The Poetry of John Donne
6. Cross-Country Household Moves
7. Total Life Makeovers at 50

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