Tuesday, February 07, 2006


What a nice trip home. Both J&J came home, for HER birthday, which was fun. Also some chores, some very pleasant R&R, and some work out of the local office, too. I feel recharged on several levels. :)

The local office space is going to be very nice. The space will be set up for me by the time I return on the 20th (converting a conference room into an office), and the phone and voice mail is already set up. Guess I should check it...

They were quite helpful and very gracious there. Plus I met a bunch of folks from their Chicago office, and will set up a visit there, soon, too. Plus, I'll be contacting the folks in St. Paul for a visit to that office. Might as well make use of the geography, and maybe I won't have to switch doctors so fast. :)

So, I'll be back before I know it, and back for a little longer stretch this time - a week. It will be right after my brother's memorial service here on the East Coast, (which college boy is coming out for! - how nice), so I'll be glad to be with people I love, while working, too.

This transition isn't going to be so bad... these opportunites to be back more often are making things easier for everyone.

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