Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Homeward Bound!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, baby! Am I ever ready to get back home for a few glorious days!

I wonder if I'll be able to relax at all while I'm there. I feel like I've sort of gotten a new routine established here and have kind of established a rhythm to my days. Maybe this will seem like a vacation from that routine, but still doing familiar things that I haven't done for a while, seeing people I haven't seen for a while. Being the existentialist that I am, I'm sure I'll be sensing every moment of it, taking the experience all in.

One load of whites in the morning, and then off to the airport. Yay! I'm usually not enamored of flying, not since those awful 3-leg, 12-hour days in the 1990s going from Podunksville on the West Coast to Podunksville in the heartland. Yuk. But, I am so eager to get on this plane, I can hardly stand it!

And then, though this trip will seem short, in a couple more weeks, I'll be back there again for 8 days, working out of a local office. How great that will be (for everyone, I hope, not just me.) More opportunities to see those I love.

Mmmm, sleep fast! The plane's almost ready to warm up!

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