Saturday, February 21, 2009


I'd almost forgotten.

The snowbanks had all but disappeared, and there was so much bare frozen tundra around here, I thought it was nearly Springtime. Hahaha. Silly me.

At about 5AM I heard the sound of the snowplow going down the street. Then it came back about 90 minutes later, and when I heard it, I thought... uh, oh. Hm.

Sure enough, 4 fresh inches. And of course the snowplows doubled (and tripled) that height at the base of the drive. But still, it seemed good to get the snowthrower fired up again. I'm sure I'll have more than one more day to use it, too, before Winter really leaves. March is the second snowiest month around here, they say.

They also say that the early signs of Spring are here, too. And I heard some this morning while shoveling. The cardinal pair across the street were calling to each other, and the crows were circling above, making a racket.

Crows. Grrr.... Where's my bb gun?

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