Right. A scope with a knife inside!
And another knife to make the holes so the scope can get in.
Still, I don't think I should be waking at night with visions of scalpels dancing in my head, circling 'round my left knee, sharpening themselves against each other and cackling maniacally... should I?
It wasn't too much Thanksgiving turkey or sweet potatoes, either, I'm pretty sure. Guess I'm getting nervous about knee surgery. :(
Or maybe it was the limoncello. Now THAT could be.
Which grew on people, by the way. As did the wild rice casserole. :) Plus, the wild rice passed the true test of every good casserole - it tasted even better the next day, warmed up. :)
So my offerings for Thanksgiving this year were better received than last year's Moroccan carrot soup. And there's enough wild rice casserole left over to freeze and toss into a batch of chicken soup later this winter. Yeah.
Um, back to the circling, laughing knives..
They're set to descend Monday 12/8 at noon. I really am getting nervous. Never had a surgery of any kind before. I suppose it's just the fear of the unknown.
And I know I have to do it. Ran today and it pulled the whole time. It's just been getting worse. :( Oh well, the doctor says the discomfort will be gone immediately (replaced, of course, by swelling, crutches, bandages and post-op pain.)
Got my packet of pre-op instructions in the mail today, and whenever they tell you not to eat or drink after midnight before the surgery, stop all your meds a week before, get a pre-op EKG, wash with antibacterial soap the day of, wear loose fitting clothing, have someone there to drive you home, arrange for crutches when you get there, watch for signs of addiction to the narcotics they'll give you, etc, etc., it does give one pause.
And then there's that thing about the spinal tap...
I thought that was a rock band. Um, guess not.
So here's the "before" picture.

In the "after" picture, there'll probably be one leg missing. :(
1 comment:
LOL- 2 b safe u can always write in marker which leg it should be, tho u run the risk of offending the surgeon ;-)
Don't worry, I had tons of work/ comp guys & gals undergo this & they came through w/ flying colors.
Too bad I won't be there w/ my ipod cuz then u could listen to Repo! the genetic oepra- very Sweeney Todd meets industrial, "power noise" as Elisabeth calls it. Awesome!
Bought the new REM CD, Accelerate- more rock-y than most indier-than-thou falling asleep in your soy latte coffeehouse albums, i.e. any of their other offerings.
Also, downloaded the jarvis cocker CD (formerly w/ the mid90's band Pulp). he sounds elvis costello. rah!
And rounded out by Tossers catalog (Irish punk) by getting their latest offering, One a Fine Spring Morning. Equally Excellent.
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