Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Packing and repacking

I am getting reaaaaallly tired of boxes.

Yesterday I needed to vacate my office in New England, to make room for a new hire. At least it wasn'tfor my replacement.. the two candidates they had for that internally were rejected, so they have to go outside and recruit now. Good luck with that!

So they move my workstation, phone, etc., to a new space in another building. But it's only for a few days. Friday is my last day in this location. And it was such a pretty office, too. :(

But I have a few days in peace now to go through my 30-some bankers' boxes that I packed on Saturday, sort, toss, tape shut, and ship them to the Twin Cities and my new office there. Not that there's room - there's not. Some will go to the basement of the new house once we take occupancy. My new space is smaller and not enclosed. But the people are nice, and the downtown is too. :)

Ha - there are boxes that were under my desk full of stuff from... 3 moves ago? Ridiculous. I didn't take the time to look through them then, and may not now, either. Leave it to my heirs! They will just shake their heads and say "just who was this man, again?" ;)

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