Friday, July 29, 2005


Talked with the HR person this morning about the job in the Chicago loop. She has an hour long commute into downtown from her home in Naperville, a western burb. If I use Amtrak from where I live, I could get to Union Station in the loop in 1:40, with a 20 minute drive prior to that to reach the station, and from Union Station to the office in another 15 (1/2 mile walk) ... The fare is $40 round trip, with a $5 parking fee, so roughly $225 a week and 4.5 hours a day to commute from here. Not real appealing...

But a downtown apartment or condo... now, that's living! too bad they're not afforable. :) A friend in this office is taking a job there next week and is spending $1600/mo on a one bedroom unit in a high rise with no lake view. Just a little pricey...

The HR lady said they are very extensive in their inteviewing process, using a selection method developed by Dr. Bell from North Carolina. She was warning me not to be put off by it, if we get that far. At this point, I'm more afraid of the commute and cost... The job itself has a fancy title and big responsibility, but... no staff. Which means you do all the work yourself. Yes, you have the responsbility to build a staff, and the budget to do so, but how do you find people who want to work in the loop? I don't. Still, I'll keep my hand in for a while longer and see how it goes (and how other interviews go). Maybe I'll take the train there if they want me to have a day of interviews. That might settle it. :)

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