Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Back to good

age-adjusted good, that is. And hey.. no complaints. I'm always glad for age-adjusted performance expectations, no matter what the.. um.. activity. :)

This activity happens to be.. running. So after a long post-birthday layoff last Fall, and a subsequent scolding by my doctor, and then 6 weeks of mind-numbing running on the indoor track (yuk), I'm finally back to what NASA's Dr. Cooper calls good physical condition for ... you know ... "a guy my age."

Yeah, well. I guess you could think of it this way: if NASA allowed people my age to be astronauts (do they??), they would have to cover 1.25 miles in less than 12 minutes to qualify for the program.

All right, then, sign me up! I'm ready. Hand me my pressure suit, kid. And where's that tether? Time for my spacewalk..

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