Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What joy awaits?

Even Jesus in the garden asked God (three times!) if there was a way to avoid what was coming.. He didn't want to face it. Sure, His burden was so much larger than mine, but then again - He was so much more than me, too.

So, should I feel like a coward for not wanting for face what I must? He didn't want to sacrifice of Himself for someone else and pay the price He would pay to benefit them - neither do I. But He did - and so will I, somehow.

But when Paul says that "for the joy set before him [Jesus] endured the cross"...

... what is the joy set before me? Maybe if I knew what joy awaited me, after I do what I must, I could find some hope and courage to face this. I haven't seen it yet. All I see is sacrifice ahead - not joy.

God sent an angel to comfort and strengthen Jesus in the garden.. where's mine?

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