Friday, June 01, 2007

ISO Balance

In the midst of all the turmoil in the house, from boxes to furniture askew to unfinished contracting projects to no place to sit to more boxes, I realized this morning (after D said "you seem a little blue") that my moods have been more stable of late. Her comment got me thinking that, gee, with all the stress that comes with being unsettled, I'm doing remarkably well. :)

The doctor told me at my last appointment that if we could get both the thyroid and testosterone levels in the right range, my reactions to stress may be better, and the swings between the extremes of joy and despair may get milder, as might the body heat I give off. I think... she's right. I've been faithfully taking the proper dosages (not tinkering, as has been my wont), and darned if it isn't better! :)

Hm. If "you seem a little blue" and a stray tear or two is all there is... I can live with that.

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