Thursday, May 11, 2006

Buying a house by mail

Trying to get the final paperwork all lined up on the new house in New England, while on a 10-day business trip in the Midwest, shuttling back and forth between St. Paul and Chicago... the bank needs this notarized, the relo company needs these forms filled out, the real estate lawyer out East and the estate planning lawyer back here are trying to figure out how to title the house. Fedex and faxes. That's how you buy a house these days.

But on Monday, I actually get to sit across a table from the sellers and shake hands and say "we'll take good care of it." How very old-fashioned.

And at that moment I really will have three residences - none of which will actually be "home".

The cavalcade of contractors begins Tuesday! See them sand, watch them paint! Hear them hammer and then curse! Fun for the whole family!

And somewhere in there I may be in the office doing work. We'll see.

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