Tuesday, May 23, 2006

This here is it - roundup time!

Yep, back at the ranch, they are a-loadin' up the wagons. All our worldly possessions gettin' throwed on a truck. Big truck. Real big truck.

Plus it's off to the doctor today for Deb, to hopefully get the final signoff on her recovery from surgery. Lots of pressure on her, and it's been tough. Quite a bit of furniture got sold in the "moving sale" (helped by many girlfriends), so there will be less to sell in a "tag sale" here later this summer. Yes, they call it a "tag" sale - not "rummage", not "yard", not "garage" ... "tag". Hmpf. Local Yankee culture.

But by the end of this weekend, the work on the new house here will be done (God willing), and ready for all the contents of that big truck to be unloaded. Memorial Day! It will be a day to remember, all right.

While unpacking to set up a new life here, at the same time I'll also be remembering all that's back there, and wondering how often I'll visit... it's hard to move forward when your heart is pulled back. But, I press on! And I trust that God will be gracious, giving me many opportunities to nourish that heart in the ways He knows it needs to be fed and cared for.

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