Wednesday, May 17, 2006

You'd think this would be simple

... just a little fixing up here and there, some painting, a couple of new outlets ...

The first day that there were contractors in the house, one of the electricians is up in the attic snaking wire and proceeds to put his foot through the hallway ceiling. Tore out a 2' x 3' chunk of drywall.

The painter shows up with paint, ready to go, and I realize ... I hired the wrong guy! Naturally, the one time I bothered to get competetive bids, and I get their names confused! Oh well, you live with your mistakes.

Then, the carpenter is hauling lumber for shelving down into the basement via the outside storm door stairs, which makes sense, but he does it in a pouring rainstorm and water runs in all over the basement floor - no towels or mop in sight so it stands there in pools...

The plumber got the utility sink for the wine room unpacked, but it was cracked upon arrival and he needs to order a new one. No idea when it will show up. He doesn't return my phone calls.

I shudder to think what will happen when the people start to lay the hardwood floors down...

Oy! I need a therapist.

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