Friday, May 19, 2006

There's nothing as constant as... (Updated)

you know the rest.

I've been here, oh... 4 months now. Lost a boss today. A dotted line boss anyway. Alpaca is moving up and into a different part of the company. It remains to be seen who will replace him - Mousewoman is still thinking about it. And she may bust up his duties, who knows? At least it's only a dotted line relationship.

Hopefully Rug, my solid line boss, stays in place a while. Continuity is good in a start-up unit like this one...

but I'm not nervous. Much.

I mean, my plan is to change my driver's license over this weekend to the new address... hmmm.



Rug called on Friday afternoon with news on who Alpaca's replacement is (at least in part) - a guy I'll call PeBo. Solid character, good fit for the job, and he will run only Management Information, and report to Mousewoman. The financial part of Alpaca's job will be filled by an accountant type. Fine with me. This should be an OK change as far as I can see. Whew! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice blog(^^)

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