Thursday, April 27, 2006

Back... Home?

Not sure where home is, exactly. I feel like I have several, some more desirable than others. But I have to admit that there was something comforting about being back in the New England apartment yesterday. I have a routine there, dull though it is.

Back in the Midwest I kept opening the wrong drawers for silverware, kept going into my travel bag for toiletries... home is where, again?

Is it the place that I'm buying new furniture and picking out paint colors for? The place where my life's accumulation of souvenirs and mementos are displayed/stored? The place where my favorite clothes hang in the closet and my prescriptions sit on the counter? The place where I can sit on the couch doing little or nothing and still feel loved and accepted?

I have to go back to a different understanding of what home is. I recall a poster that I had in my room as a high schooler. It was of a scarecrow with a pumpkin head and straw hat dressed in overalls and sitting on the porch of a farmhouse, with the caption "home is not where you live, but where they understand you."

For some reason that always appealed to me, I suppose especially as a teenager when you usually feel misunderstood anyway. Still holds, I guess. Home is where I not only feel accepted and understood, but at ease and relaxed, where trouble melts away. So where's that again? Refresh my memory, please.

Recovery from surgery is progressing, under first my and now her mother's watchful eye. Hopefully next week she has more strength and can manage without someone "on call" 24/7. The meals do keep rolling in. :) More than one person can eat, really. Lawn care and housecleaning are all arranged, too. All that's left to do is get better! But I can't help with that.

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