Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Happy Passover!

Oh, I miss the Seder, and the table full of people, especially all the little victims, er, I mean eager young children who sit through three hours of lecture, I mean compellingly interesting ceremony that the adults can barely grasp. What fun! :)

Really, though. I miss it. What I miss the most is being the Rabbi. And lately also being the eldest, who answers the 4 questions. Oy Gevalt! Such responsibility I should have at my tender age! The leader and the eldest. Hm. Might as well be the Rabbi, then. If I let my beard grow out, I'd sure look the part. Grizzled old codger - um, excuse me, respected teacher of the people. ;)

I love wearing the tallit, singing the Sh'ma, chanting/reciting the prayers in Hebrew (from memory now after all these years), telling the story of the outgoing from Egypt, explaining all the ritual foods, hiding the afikomen and redeeming it with a Sacagawea dollar (which seriously underwhelms any kid over 8.) And oh! The 4 cups of wine. Very important. 4 cups. Yes indeedy.

So, tonight, I have the matzoh out, some cream cheese handy for the leftovers, a decent Ravenswood Zin (not handmade by the Rabbi so definitely not kosher, but you make do, you know?) Might just get 4 cups out of this bottle if I work at it. A couple of roasted eggs (ok, boiled), some salt, and for greens... well... how about the bell peppers and green chiles in my cheesy enchilada soup? And I think the jalapeno and chipotle peppers in the soup will have to do for the bitter herbs. No horseradish, sorry. But then, I'm not Orthodox, so I should worry?

And as far as being alone on Passover - I wonder if I can sort of do a virtual Seder? Something will work out, I know. :) If God could provide the lamb for Abraham... He can provide for me.

L'Chaim! To Life!

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