Saturday, April 08, 2006


Where is Spring?

There are signs of it, sure. The forsythias are all golden and the jonquils are standing tall. But it's so cold and rainy here today, and such a boring Saturday. Nothing to do but watch TV, vacuum, watch TV, eat, watch TV, exercise, watch a DVD, dust the sills, eat, write letters, watch TV. Arghhh! I want OUT!

I think it's partly because I'd been cooped up in a meeting room for two solid days trying to stay engaged and alert. Good meetings, useful, informative, but... made me stir crazy. I want to go dancing or something! Or watch baseball. Or get the tennis racket out. Something! Even having someone over for dinner would be nice. But, um... no.

Got this poem in a card today from my daughter, such an encourager, always writing. Even though I write people every Saturday, she's really the only one I get mail from on any kind of regular schedule. When I see friendly handwriting in my mailbox, I don't feel so isolated.


I said in my heart "I am sick
Of four walls and a ceiling.
I have need of the sky.
I have business with the grass.

I will up and get me away
Where the hawk is wheeling,
Lone and high,
And the slow clouds go by."

-Richard Hovey Dodd

Yeah. Me, too.

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