Saturday, November 05, 2005

Can we draaaaag this out any longer?

Finally! A date for my third (and final?) interview trip to New England.

11/18 - another two weeks to wait! :(

There's good things about waiting, of course. I get to stay longer with people I love. :) I get two more weeks to explore the other jobs that continue to percolate, and who knows what they'll turn into? The closer we get to the end of the year, the easier it will be for Deb to stay here during tax season and finish up that last quarter of work she needs for vesting her Social Security benefit. And, I get the honor of receiving more unemployment compensation payments...

But, then... the house still has to sell in late winter/early spring (not the best time), and we continue to eat up the severance benefit, not to mention continue to have to pay COBRA. I would sure rather be working as soon as possible.

At this point, though, I can't imagine getting an offer from anyone before Thanksgiving. We're going to be thankful regardless, though. I will not start getting angry or resentful at God. If there's blame to be shouldered here, I'll do that.

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