What a voice. The girl is pitch-perfect, has great interval control, and such a natural feel for jazz. If there was a modern-day version of Ella.. it's Jane. :) Her version of "Devil and the Deep Blue Sea" was proof: spot on.

Yum. And I don't mean the Dakota's dessert menu.

Curvy, funny and unpretentious, she seemed very approachable and at ease in an intimate club. The only distraction was that her hair seemed to be bothering her - she had her hands in it all night, pulling strays off her face, etc. She had certain other mannerisms that I swear I've seen before. The way she would say something dead serious when you knew she didn't mean it, arch one eyebrow, shrug lightly, then stick out a pouty lower lip in faux hurt if you didn't believe her.
I know that look, but darned if I ... hm.
Talking with her afterwards at the merch table where she was signing CDs (incl. mine), she was self-effacing and pleasant, reluctantly admitting to perfect pitch (I thought so).

The Dakota was its usual ideal venue for small-combo jazz. Jane's band (piano, upright bass, drums) was solid, and played off her well. And because we went to the early show, we even got home at a reasonable hour! Jane's performance was a nice mixture of everything from Christmas music to Portuguese bossa-nova to Hoagy Carmichael. She closed the show with a medley of "Rainbow Connection" and "Over The Rainbow" that was just perfect.

Curvy, funny and unpretentious, she seemed very approachable and at ease in an intimate club. The only distraction was that her hair seemed to be bothering her - she had her hands in it all night, pulling strays off her face, etc. She had certain other mannerisms that I swear I've seen before. The way she would say something dead serious when you knew she didn't mean it, arch one eyebrow, shrug lightly, then stick out a pouty lower lip in faux hurt if you didn't believe her.
I know that look, but darned if I ... hm.
Talking with her afterwards at the merch table where she was signing CDs (incl. mine), she was self-effacing and pleasant, reluctantly admitting to perfect pitch (I thought so).

The Dakota was its usual ideal venue for small-combo jazz. Jane's band (piano, upright bass, drums) was solid, and played off her well. And because we went to the early show, we even got home at a reasonable hour! Jane's performance was a nice mixture of everything from Christmas music to Portuguese bossa-nova to Hoagy Carmichael. She closed the show with a medley of "Rainbow Connection" and "Over The Rainbow" that was just perfect.
May I repeat: yum. :)
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