Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Two year increments

That's about how long my assignments at work have lasted, until I'm put into a new position (or cut loose to go find one...) Some have been a little longer, some shorter, but mostly a couple of years each.

And I think: right about that time you have reached a point where you're fairly effective. The first 6 months is a steep learning curve; the next 6 you figure out what's really important and necessary. In the second year, you start to add value, make the job your own, and -

Bye! Off you go, now. There's a good fellow.

So, right on time... two weeks before my second anniversary at this company... a new position arrives today (and a new learning curve begins). It comes complete with a new boss, a new title, a new focus, a new team. But it also has: a couple of old coworkers, the same old salary and grade, the same old work location (my den - yay!), and the same old office to visit when I need to go there in person. And, I use my same old expertise, but apply it in a wholly new way. It's a nice blend of the familiar and the unfamiliar.

In theory, this is a good thing. Especially since they completely sold off the unit I worked in before, and if they had sold me with it... I'd be on my way to Cleveland. Argh.

Now if this position also lasts a couple more years, then I might actually be able to harvest some wine grapes from my vines (and finish grad school!) before moving again! That would be sweet (...even if the wine is dry.)

1 comment:

Future Urban Planner said...

Yay dry wines! And here's to new beginnings! There is a almost literal hole-in-the-wall wine bar near me- my housemate and I had a rather nice Riesling, perhaps we will too>? And yes, you can come visit when it cools down.

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