Sunday, October 12, 2008

Open your hands and close your eyes...

...and you will get a big surprise!

Remember doing that as a little kid?  Sometimes you didn't even have to say the last half.  The first part was a code phrase that we all understood.  We knew that we would find something good in our grubby little hands if we trusted the person, closed our eyes, emptied our hands and held them out.

I saw this (unattributed) quote the other day, and thought I'd share it here, without further comment.  Some of you already know this from personal experience, and the rest of you... probably will, someday:

"When God takes something from your grasp, 
He's not punishing you, 
but merely opening your hands 
to receive something better."

So... are you ready?  Trust.  Close.  Empty.  Open...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i can relate this time. and no. i'm not ready. I wish I were though. hard weekend... (hope you're doing well?)

"our" dog is technically in my housemate's name.. but I'll be living here over the summer with her and at least two of us are planning on staying in the house another complete school year as well.

and I was actually just introduced to Damien Rice.. so I don't know.

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