Friday, October 24, 2008

Going back, to move forward

that's the definition of a retreat, isn't it?

A retreat is never for going backwards, and then staying there. That's... giving up. That's surrender.

Instead, it's "one step back, two steps forward", or "withdraw, only to re-engage".   It's like the coach pulling you out for a breather after a long stretch in the game, knowing that with a little regrouping, you can go back in and play, finish stronger.

In a retreat you step back a bit, rest/heal/restore, consolidate what you have, think about what you've learned, figure out your path, and then press forward again with renewed zeal.

Sure, you may have a need to fill up on nourishment, to bind up a few wounds (or have someone attend to them who knows how.)   But the whole intent is to press on again.

And so it is with my upcoming "personal retreat".  Step back a bit, think/dream/pray, refresh/restore/renew, move forward again.

And I did decide to switch venues for it - I'll save Thunder Bay for another time.  It'll still be there, thundering away.  ;)  I'm heading instead to a catholic retreat center on a lake.  It's fall, it's crisp & cool out...  a nice time to walk through the leaves, see the glistening still water, and... climb the stairs to the second floor unit later for some much needed warmth and refreshment.  :)

Well, I'm off.  See you in a few.

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