Friday, October 31, 2008



when you face a change
that affects the whole of life
how do you adapt


There's a lot of talk of change these days. Political and societal change especially.

But I've been thinking about change on a personal level - life changes and how we adapt to them. I wonder if anyone has studied how people adapt to change, and articulated a process that helps?

I know they've done that for grief. You know, listed its stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. I get those. I've lived them. Some I'm still not through with.

But is it the same thing for adapting to any unexpected change?

When life deals you a blow (like it did to the Biblical Job), maybe like

... a debilitating illness or injury
... someone you love no longer in your life
... a crippling financial or career reversal
... becoming a victim of violent crime

what do you do to cope with it? How do you adjust the whole of your life to deal with what happened?

Is it any different for positive change? Is there a general method, a process to follow?

Or is it all (like the Wiki article says)... just like grief?

Because that part I already know.

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