... that I spend a perfectly lovely cool, clear Saturday morning actually running 5K. What is my problem, anyway? I've gone off the edge in my old age. I mean... running! Me. Yikes!
But then I have to suffer the humiliation of being passed by some guy pushing two kids (one just one - two!), in a stroller. Arghhh. At least it wasn't some costumed character, like the time in Milwaukee during Al's Run when all the racing sausages from Miller Park (then County Stadium) came roaring by me, to great applause and laughter. Hey! I'm dying here!
Well, okay, so maybe I'm dramatizing a little. ;) That's not typical for me, is it?
Shut up.
It was a great morning for a run, really. I have no idea how well (or poorly) I did, though - the guy at the finish didn't yell out my time, and then I took too long to go back and ask, a lot of runners were coming in, it was too busy, etc.
But D was there (a gallery of one! oooh..) and said that the people ahead of me came in around 28:30, and they were about 10 seconds ahead of me, so... I'll guess 28'50" for now and wait for the official results. Under 29 is good! :) (especially for running outside - and with hills. I hate hills. Even if they're small.)
So many times in that last mile I wanted to stop running and walk a bit. But grrr... no! Count 50 more strides. No, not yet. 50 more. 50 more. There's the last turn... push.
Ugh. This shouldn't feel so brutal. But now as I type I feel great. :)
So there you go. Stop whining. ;)
Quite a big turnout, well over 100. Lots of different people running.
One old guy in the group wore a sweatband. The old fart. Ha - refugee from the 70's, I guess, back when athletes as diverse as Bjorn Borg, Billie Jean King, and Dr. J all wore them.
Hahahaha. Hey. Wait now.
Um, never mind. Forget I said that.
Anyway, it was for a good cause. This outfit has been serving the homeless in the community for 106 years. (!) They serve 3-400 a night, every night, with food and beds and counseling.
Tired... but a good tired. Glad to help. Proud to wear the t-shirt. :)
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