Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Homing in on a destination...

... for my getaway/retreat weekend. I've been considering abbeys & retreat centers, who specialize in this sort of thing. You know, a simple atmosphere for quiet contemplation and reflection.

And yet, I know that I get pretty stir crazy staring at four walls, and that much relaxation and reflection for me comes from seeing new things, exploring new places, as well as from seeing and remembering what's brought me joy in times past.

Old familiar places filled with memories really do have their place, and there are times when they are so very theraputic and healing for me.

But, this time I think I'll be heading in the opposite direction from memory-laden spots, toward something new, toward places I haven't seen. I'm doing well enough emotionally that I'm not so much in need of healing, as I am in need of evaluation and perspective.

So... where? Not to the big city, not to distracting night life. Picturesque natural wonders and quaint historic communities can trigger contemplation and evaluation pretty well for me.

Maybe... here?

Sounds pretty good. Maybe I'll even try a travel hostel for a night or two. :) Now that would be a new experience!

And if that's too primitive, there's always something more comfy.

Wherever I stay, I can see this area being somewhere I'd enjoy, while alone and reflective, as well as someday, maybe, you know...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My friends all love Thunder Bay. I think you would too :)

Who links to my website?