Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Facebook Romance

Sounds like a name for a band.  ;)  And if they wanted to be ironic, they could play mostly thrash metal.  :P

Or it could be a title for a best-selling book.  Maybe a collection of essays or short stories.  Or a commentary on current social practices.  You know, love in the age of emoticons, or some such drivel.

What brings it to mind was a little notice that popped up on my Facebook home page yesterday night - the page that gives you newsy little bits about your friends.

Except this one seemed so poignant:

Friend A and Friend B ended their relationship.

Oh.  :(

Even with the names changed, it still is poignant. Facebook is so matter-of-fact, so devoid of sympathy. But when this involves people you know, that terse, emotionless statement brings up real emotions in you. You begin to mentally fill in the little human details that Facebook leaves out. "Ohhh... I'm so sorry to hear... Was it really hard? How are you feeling?", etc.

You want to inject some humanness into what's on the screen. You want to feel what Facebook doesn't feel.  Melancholy, curiosity, empathy, anger, whatever - feel something!  

You know that it wasn't you - but it could be, sometime. You're relieved, but very aware of your limitations, all at the same time.

All that in a little phrase from a news feed?

Yeah. And it's still sad. Even on Facebook.

1 comment:

StefaniRae07 said...

try being the one that it is about. those simple little words "ended their relationship" don't even begin to express what really happened. a relationship didn't just end, a future was stopped dead in its tracks, a heart was completely shattered, and someone lost the best thing in their life. however seeing those words isnt always the hardest part. sometimes is the absence of the words "in a relationship" that is the hardest.
just thought i'd add my little tidbit in there.

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