Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Where is my...

you name it... black sharpie, blue/green tie, box of q-tips...

And the answer is - it's in a box. But there's boxes, boxes, everywhere. :( But WHICH box, exactly? The labels written on the box don't necessarily correspond to the contents OF the box.

At least there's a path to the coffee pot, the fridge, the closet, the bathroom. I mean, some things just have to be available.

But, the master bedroom is.. done! :) Aww... it looks so nice.. small, but nice.

Everything is smaller here. Except the third garage, thank God. But, that's the whole idea behind downsizing, right?


Monday, May 28, 2007

What a great weekend

in a new house in a new city. :)

J2 & his current gf (now to be known as J2+) came up Friday night, helped clean and organize Saturday morning, and assembled a new gas grill in the afternoon. In between I had lots of time to catch up with J2's life, and get to know J2+ better. She and I talked on the deck for an hour and a half over coffee while J2 slept in and contractors painted, talking about goals, relationships, personality types, love languages, handling physical desire, you name it.

She's very open and comfortable with herself, not self-conscious or ill at ease, yet also very pleasant and approachable, plus - lots of fun. :) Not to mention enough upper body strength to pop my back (which favor I returned.) Nice girl. And, being a Psych major... she knows when J2 is manipulating her, and actually gets him to talk about his feelings without getting angry. She'd be a good catch!

Then D, J1, and dog-face arrive late Saturday to a mostly clean place. :) We go see Pirates 3, have ice cream after, and then drink a toast of imported Italian Limoncello to a new house and to being closer to family. :) Nice day.

Church the next morning, cooking out on the new grill afterwards, a field trip to the art museum and sculpture garden, then back to the house to see J2 & J2+ off to Chicago again. The rest of us head out to dinner (sans devil-dog) and when we get back I introduce J1 to the famous upper midwest winter drink, the Snowshoe. :) I found a nearby grocery that stocks my favorite brand of low-sugar chocolate milk! And of course everybody around here sells Dr. McGillicudy's, unlike in New England where all you can find is DeKuypers or Phillips. Ahhh, simple pleasures - life is truly good.

Our realtor had given us a free hotel night and dinner out, so we decided to use it. D was still crashing from the long drive, and so J1 & uglydog spent the night on the air mattress while D and I went to the Hampton Inn for some decent sleep. In the morning, J1 and I head out to explore, have lunch downtown near my office and then head to the college district to shop (her to fill her obscure want list of psychobilly bands and me to choose new CDs by letter and album cover only) at Cheapo Discs. :) Fun!

As I write this, she and bozo the dog have headed home, D is napping and I will shortly call the insurance agent to switch addresses on our car insurance policy. And tomorrow... furniture!!! Oh boy!

Oh, yeah, and, um... boxes. Oh boy...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Al .. most .. done

The hardwoods are in, carpet removed and reinstalled in other bedrooms, ceiling fan up in bedroom, new access door to garage, repaired garage door opener, railing posts in, ceiling beams removed in kitchen... progress!

Now, for the painting, lighting, shelving, railing glass, stair treads...

Tomorrow had better see a lot of progress! I have family arriving on Saturday (I hope...)


Not so fast...

I wrote the above before I actually got home. I was assuming this is what I'd find. Ha. So much for being the optimist.



Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I can't get no (lasting) satisfaction

Does it seem to any of you that what enjoyments we find on this earth are either fully satisfying but only fleeting, or... lasting, but fall short of fully satisying us? We want the truly satisfying moments to last, but they don't. And what we *are* able to keep for a long time doesn't really ... do it for us.

Are we destined in this life to have only pleasure that is either transitory, or... incomplete?

And if that's so, do we shrug our shoulders and settle for that as simply being the best that we can get?

Do we keep our expectations of this life low, and not think about something better?

If we must look forward to something, do we look toward the next life for completeness?

Solomon seems to see it that way, and maybe he's right.

This too is a grievous evil: as a man comes, so he departs, and what does he gain, since he toils for the wind? All his days he eats in darkness, with great frustration, affliction and anger. There is something else meaningless that occurs on earth: righteous men who get what the wicked deserve, and wicked men who get what the righteous deserve. This too, I say, is meaningless.

For who knows what is good for a man in life, during the few and meaningless days he passes through like a shadow? Who can tell him what will happen under the sun after he is gone?

So my heart began to despair over all my toilsome labor under the sun. For a man may do his work with wisdom, knowledge and skill, and then he must leave all he owns to someone who has not worked for it. This too is meaningless and a great misfortune. What does a man get for all the toil and anxious striving with which he labors under the sun? All his days his work is pain and grief; even at night his mind does not rest. This too is meaningless. A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?

So I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany him in his work all the days of the life God has given him under the sun. When I applied my mind to know wisdom and to observe man's labor on earth - his eyes not seeing sleep day or night - then I saw all that God has done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all his efforts to search it out, man cannot discover its meaning. Even if a wise man claims he knows, he cannot really comprehend it.

Always be clothed in white, and always anoint your head with oil. Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun— all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun. Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.

Then I realized that it is good and proper for a man to eat and drink, and to find satisfaction in his toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given him—for this is his lot. Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work—this is a gift of God. He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart.

----- Excerpts from Ecclesiastes, chapters 2, 5, 6, 8, 9

All this I know. I get it. But that one little phrase seems to be the one that wants to pull down the whole house of cards: "to accept his lot and be happy in his work." How nice it would be to seldom reflect on the days of my life because I'm occupied and my heart is glad...

I think too much about, desire too much from, and am content with too little of - this life. But, I argue with myself, could a thinking man do any less? And yet, wasn't Solomon a thinking man, and - at the end of his analysis, this is where he wound up... hm.

Lay it down, boy... lay it down... accept your lot... you'll be happier. :)

Stop the Chaos!

It feels like I'm a homeless squatter trying to sleep at building that's being rehabbed. The place was empty, but nice, when I got there. Now... it's a mess.

That's what happens when you have flooring, painting, electrical, carpentry, all going on simultaneously, and I'm functioning as the general contractor, trying to get the workers to all communicate with one another.

But even within one firm (the flooring people), they don't communicate with each other. The installers (separate ones for hardwood and carpet) and the scheduler and the account exec are not working well together. :( Much less informing the homeowner of issues that are affecting the outcome! And you'd think that four weeks of discussion might lead to the work all getting done on time. Arghh!

So, a few things will be put off until after the furniture move-in, but hopefully they'll be just little annoyances, not major aggravation. Aaaaaah! I thought that I could enjoy the sale of our house in New England for at least a day...

I think it's a lack of good sleep as well. I have less tolerance than usual when fatigued. This air mattress is not cutting it.

But, just for laughs, check out the groooooovy floor that was underneath the carpet in the den/office. Far out, man!

Monday, May 21, 2007


Yay! :D

We countered with $5K up, they came back with $2K less, and that means... we're done!

Now, no duplicate mortgage payments, at least not for very long, if at all. I expect a fast closing, and then we can cut all ties to New England, hopefully for the last time.

And talk about good timing! The movers are packing today, loading tomorrow, and then D heads West in the other car. So while they are lifting our load, we can also leave with yet another load lifted, thank God!

Out of Egypt - to the Promised Land!

Hmm... need to run to the store and pick up some milk and honey...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

An Offer!!


And from just the kind of buyer we want:

pre-qualified for a loan
no house to sell
simple inspection requirements
desire fast closing to occupy quickly

and, a young couple just starting out... their first house... awww...

It's just that - we lowered the price $10K on Friday, and they came in $8,000 below that. :(

But we don't want to lose this kind of buyer, either, so...

we counter with another $5K up and see where we settle out.

Cross your fingers, toes, eyes...

we might just be done!

Friday, May 18, 2007

I'm in!

the new house...

Yes, it's like camping. Me and an air mattress. And soon, me and an air mattress, and... carpenters, electricians, flooring people. Ick.

At least there is one room in the place that no one is touching, and I can shut the door and hide. And! the internet is working, my wireless network on the Mac is up, and music is playing... so it's not like I'm cut off from civilization, exactly. ;)

The commute is down to 30 minutes as of this morning, too, so that seems a little better.

I just have to keep reminding myself - this is temporary, this is temporary. In a few months, everything will seem normal.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Almost there...

It was a nice two days back East, and a great trip cross-country so far, too. But 1000 miles and two days of hard driving and I'm ready to be done, even with a spanking new vehicle that befits a man like me (you know... classy, stylish, giving off a hint of virility without overstating it or grasping at youth - that kind of car.)


So, with air mattress, sheets, towels, some kitchen things, shower curtain, etc.. and my trusty Mac.. I'm soon going to set up camp in the new house.

Closing is tomorrow (with realtor as trusted power of attorney), and occupancy by end of business day on Wednesday. By the weekend, "camp" should be organized, and the remodeling contractors set to work, too.

I'll whip this new place into shape before D & J1 (maybe J2?) arrive for Memorial Day weekend! They'll see! :)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

One last trip

back East.

The last trip to a house I own there, anyway..

Tomorrow I fly out and then drive back (in a new set of wheels!)

It will be a whirlwind of chores, car shopping, catching up, conversation, planning, decisions, unpacking and packing up again... probably no time to relax, really.

So, the time on the road will be welcome. Some good music, a nice car, the open road ahead, a destination to look forward to... :)

Sounds nice.

Mmm, and another simple pleasure - the last of the boxes were put to death today at the office. :) Good thing, since the new house will be filled with them soon. :(

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Well, not the house...

but the car! :)

Some guy named Sergiy from Chicago bought it - for my full asking price, no less - and promptly paid his $500 deposit. Apparently he is a broker who buys cars in the US and resells them in Europe. Huh. Well, as long as his cashier's check clears..

I wonder what country he'll market this one in? I think... Italy. :) Oh, but it will probably be Lithuania or Romania or someplace where they eat cabbage and rutabagas.

But, you know what this means!!!


Yeah, baby! Watch me go now... finally a little horsepower. Not to mention class.

Monday, May 07, 2007

One Thing Needful

Sunday I was back at my old church, and by the second song I was in tears already. I do so miss it there...

They sang an old Lutheran hymn, with somewhat altered lyrics, which I have always loved. It speaks of a single-mindedness about faith which I sorely lack. Such good counsel, but so hard for a pleasure-seeker like me to follow. :(

Thank God that He is merciful and full of grace. I experience that on a daily basis. And I'm not the only one who does...

One thing needful! This one treasure Teach me, Savior, to esteem;
Other things may promise pleasure, But are never what they seem;
They prove to be burdens that vex us and try us,
And true lasting happiness never provide us;
This one precious treasure, that all else exceeds,
Gives joy above measure and fills all my needs.

Seekest thou the One thing needful; Leave all cares that hind’ring prove;
Be of earthly joys unheedful; Fix thy heart on things above;
For where God and man both in one are united,
With God’s perfect fullness the heart is delighted;
There, there is the worthiest lot and the best;
My one and my all and my joy and my rest.

I have naught, my God, to offer Save the blood of Thy dear Son;
Graciously accept the proffer; Make His righteousness my own.
His holy life gave He, was crucified for me;
His righteousness perfect, He now pleads before Thee;
His own robe of righteousness, my highest good,
Shall clothe me in glory through faith in His blood.

Henceforth Thou alone, my Savior, Shalt be all in all to me.
Search my heart and my behavior; Cast out all hypocrisy.
Restrain me from wand’ring in pathways unholy,
And throughout life’s pilgrimage keep my heart lowly;
I’ll value but lightly earth’s treasure and store:
Thou art the One needful, and mine evermore!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Back to it

Vacation's over. :(

But it was really nice. Time well spent, and good memories.

So, back to work tomorrow, and soon after that one last trip to New England to pack one car full of guns, ammo and alcohol, and drive it to the Twin Cities. (!!!) I'd better not get pulled over! ;)

Hmm... but which car? Will the Cruiser sell by Monday? Hope so. I'm not sure she has another long trip in her, poor baby.,1

Friday, May 04, 2007

Doctor, doctor, can you tell?

What will make poor Billy well?

I remember hearing that singsong rhyme growing up, and even trying to pick it out on the piano when I was little, since it's so catchy.

But in this case, my doctor is doing really well... at getting me well. :)

This week I did the required blood work and then saw her for the exam and interpretation of the results, and... yay! Such good news.

Cholesterol & triglyceride levels ideal. Better than ideal! Super.

Thyroid just right. No changes needed.

Testosterone a little high, but not much. Back off one squirt on the pump. It may help with mood volatility, too, she thinks.

Oh, and she said I shouldn't worry about throwing off lots of heat - she said it's very male, why men sleep with less on, do those silly polar bear event things, and why you see young guys barechested at winter sports events (well, it could be the beer, too.) But anyway, the more characteristic maleness, the more heat given off.

Mmmhmm, I like that answer! ;) So, in my best Barry White voice: "Ohhh, yeahhhh, baby, tell me that some more..."

My weight is down again (at an ideal pace), muscle mass up nicely. Ha - she even suggested that I revise my ideal weight goal *upward* to account for the better muscle definition.. oooh, this doctor is good for my self-esteem!

Not to mention that I'm living 700 miles closer to her now, and she won't be so hard to get to. So, no big changes to the regimen and meds, and... see you in late December, doc. Thanks for the pep talk!

Rrrrr.... may I thump my chest now?

Sell, sell, sell!

Back East, there is frenzied interest in the house. Over 25 potential buyers ccame through the open house last Sunday! One couple came back twice. :) The realtor called yesterday to say there is a couple who desperately wants to come through tonight, and could they have a showing? Fortunately D doesn't get back from Italy until 11PM, so no problem with that. And, she has a day to sleep off the jet lag before the next open house this Sunday.

Go, go, go! No duplicate mortage payments, please..

Oh, and - I put my car up for sale on eBay Motors. Yes, the Cruiser! Can you believe it? It's time..

And so far, bidding is up to $4,003. Not far from my reserve price. Oooh, that would be nice. Then I could do a cash deal on a new Dodge Charger in black. Rrrr...

Sell, baby, sell!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I love it. :)

With no immediate family even in the Western Hemisphere right now, I can't think of a better time to be out and about. Especially before the work on the new house begins to explode, I have no time to think, and have to sleep on an air mattress...

So, from major urban centers to rural hamlets, I'm making the rounds. So far, it's been great - absolutely great!

I wish I understood better what I love so much about autonomy. And I wish I knew how to make money at it. :) Being good at relationships is what helps you get paid well, regardless of your technical training. Not to mention it pays well in the intangibles of life. :) The better your relationships, the better your quality of life - even if you are a person who thrives on being autonomous. Like me.
Who links to my website?