Sunday I was back at my old church, and by the second song I was in tears already. I do so miss it there...
They sang an old Lutheran hymn, with somewhat altered lyrics, which I have always loved. It speaks of a single-mindedness about faith which I sorely lack. Such good counsel, but so hard for a pleasure-seeker like me to follow. :(
Thank God that He is merciful and full of grace. I experience that on a daily basis. And I'm not the only one who does...
One thing needful! This one treasure Teach me, Savior, to esteem;
Other things may promise pleasure, But are never what they seem;
They prove to be burdens that vex us and try us,
And true lasting happiness never provide us;
This one precious treasure, that all else exceeds,
Gives joy above measure and fills all my needs.
Seekest thou the One thing needful; Leave all cares that hind’ring prove;
Be of earthly joys unheedful; Fix thy heart on things above;
For where God and man both in one are united,
With God’s perfect fullness the heart is delighted;
There, there is the worthiest lot and the best;
My one and my all and my joy and my rest.
I have naught, my God, to offer Save the blood of Thy dear Son;
Graciously accept the proffer; Make His righteousness my own.
His holy life gave He, was crucified for me;
His righteousness perfect, He now pleads before Thee;
His own robe of righteousness, my highest good,
Shall clothe me in glory through faith in His blood.
Henceforth Thou alone, my Savior, Shalt be all in all to me.
Search my heart and my behavior; Cast out all hypocrisy.
Restrain me from wand’ring in pathways unholy,
And throughout life’s pilgrimage keep my heart lowly;
I’ll value but lightly earth’s treasure and store:
Thou art the One needful, and mine evermore!