Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Day 3

Day 1 and 2 were a blur of faces, names, acronyms.

I was amazed at the enthusiasm shown by people that I was finally here! My direct boss (known here as Rug) and dotted-line boss (aka Placa) have built up the importance of this position pretty highly. Or else they really believe it! :)

My calendar filled up almost immediately. Both Rug and Placa have lots of folks I need to meet, and regular meetings I need to attend, projects underway that I need to get my nose into, etc. I had maybe an hour and a half yesterday to myself, and that was spent doing things off my new employee checklist. Tax withholding, direct deposit, etc...

Today's a little less frantic, and I get to spend an hour with my unit supervisor. Finally met her yesterday. She's coming off reporting to a boss she liked a great deal. Hope working for me is not going to be a letdown.

Back at the ranch (or rather, apartment) the iMac broke. :( Ha. So much for the reliability of Apple. I spent 75 minutes on the phone with tech support and they finally told me to take it into the local store. OK, then. That's a weekend task I guess.

I miss home. But, still, it's nice here, and nice to be working. Every time I walk the 2 blocks to work and look up at the beautiful old building... I'm excited to be here! :)

And to all of you who care about me - thanks for your support and concern. I'm doing well. And all of you have helped me get there. :)

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