Thursday, January 26, 2012

There and back again

... an actuary's tale.

Okay, so, not quite the same ring to it as Bilbo Baggins' story, and I didn't run into either dwarves nor dragons, but... there were a few things on which to report from my 5 day run to California and back.

First, I thought I was leaving the cold and snow for warmer climes.

Instead it turned out to be dark and foggy and cold and no JetWay!

Seeing as how it is winter and Sacramento is in the Central Valley, that means only one thing: Tule Fog. The impenetrable and interminable kind that socks in the tarmac. Since the Bay Area was also in full Winter drip, only on my two layovers in Denver was it at all pleasant (as in 60 and clear). And me locked in the terminal...

But at least the airport in Sacramento had interesting decor. This falls under the heading of installation art, I believe...

And Sacramento also had marvelous local cuisine! :) The local gentry seemed content with juicy burgers, as was I.

Over the weekend, I made a dash to Oakland to see the sights, including homeless ...


But one particular ex-homeless animal has found shelter and contentment in the lap of one of my favorite people. :)

Nice seeing you again, Kitten. (and you, too, kitten...)

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