Saturday, January 14, 2012

Is that legal?

... the way he plays that guitar?

We drove to Ames last night to catch Andy McKee live at DG's Tap House. For any of you who have seen him on YouTube, he is even more amazing in person. It's ridiculous the way he gets sounds from his guitar with that unorthodox style. It looks like a combination of hammering a dulcimer, playing the neck like a piano, and banging out beats flamenco-style on the body. Crazy, but so good.

The smallish room above the huge pool hall

was pretty packed out when we got there, so no decent place to sit. As a result we left after his first set, but that was enough of a "wow" experience to make the trip worthwhile. While there I grabbed a spot by the sound board

and leaned against the rail, sipping my pint of Crispin hard cider. Not only an acoustic evening, but an organic one, too...

As we left it was funny to hear the guys talk out on the street while clustering up for smokes. The guitar players among them (and there were many in the crowd) were rehashing his licks the way football fans at halftime rehash plays they just watched. His show was dumbfounding to some and awe-insipring to others.

To me, it's just really good study music. :)

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