Care to speculate on which was which? ;)

This is the big one in town (comes complete with instructions...)

Occupies 9 blocks of the downtown (free parking on weekends!),

and a real block party atmosphere: live music, people out with dogs and strollers, even street corner gospel preachers (although it sounded a bit different than the Gospel I'm currently studying..)

But the real focus was produce. Good looking & squeezable.

It was pretty packed, and had the ambience of a street festival.

This place was packed, too, but the ambience was institutional.

And the process? Wait in line for an hour, and then be told you don't have the right documents. "Never mind what the website says... I'm telling you what you need. Come back when you have it." Grrr.... :(

The only nice part of that section of the day was the architectural details of the taxpayer- (read: customer-) funded building. Plaster molds of different kinds of tire tracks, from motorcycles to tractors. Cute.
Well, anyway, I did come away from the day with a connection for locally-raised happy meat (vs. factory meat), samples of which I'll grill up soon, and a mostly pleasant morning (at least the strolling-around-downtown part.) :)

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