Monday, February 08, 2010

Keeping busy

is not so simple when you don't have to be at work. I've gotten so used to a certain routine, I feel sort of adrift. It's not like "vacation", either, because it isn't time off that I've chosen. I don't want vacation. I want to do something productive, something that someone values enough to pay me well for doing.

But at least I can use the time to do some things that need doing regardless, like prepping for my first exam in NT501, and then writing my first paper there as well. Later this week I'll do something that will feel appropriately like vacation, when I head SE to see a college BB game, per prior plans. But before then, and after, I need to do something useful.

And it might as well be for school, right? Eventually that Masters degree will produce something useful. Like a new career. One that has less frustration (and gaps) in it than this one seems to.

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