An otherwise difficult weekend got a lot more interesting and hopeful this afternoon. I went to an organizing meeting for the local chapter of The Coffee Party. In case you haven't heard of it, I have a feeling you will. I saw an article Saturday in the local paper that wire services had picked up from Thursday's Washington Post.
From there I found their Facebook page, and then that of the local chapter, which was just getting started today, and so... I went! Nothing like being in on the ground floor of a movement.
To give you a feel of what it's about, this is the little description on the local chapter's Facebook page :
The Coffee Party Movement gives voice to Americans who want to see cooperation in government. We recognize that the federal government is not the enemy of the people, but the expression of our collective will. Truly an American blend, the Coffee Party Movement is not a new political party - it's a new way to engage with one another. We are commited to democracy, cooperation, and civility.
And today, I found that to be very true. There was no attempt to adopt particular positions on issues, no desire to support particular candidates. There WAS an attempt at dialogue. There were progressives and populists, conservatives and liberals, politicians and non-voters, twenty-somethings and sixty-somethings around the table, sharing stories and ideas.... all with civility and respect. I've been feeling for quite some time that our civil discourse in this country is far from civil anymore; it has devolved into shouting and name-calling and labeling, with no attempt to understand another view than your own. And sad to say, people of faith are often the worst offenders.
Maybe today that starts to change. I, for one, plan to help.