In the part of KC where I often stay, there is a river running through a vintage upscale neighborhood that mixes the old and posh with the new and posh. The river divides a parkway which runs for several miles through the kind of turn-of-the-last-century mansions that you'd see on lakeshore drives in many cities. Old money. Lots of it.

And as I was heading out to buy a new pair of navy pants to replace the ones I ruined earlier in the day (!) I was struck by a row of massive and gorgeous vintage homes that looked... exactly alike! Wow. Tract housing for the uber-rich?

It made even less sense when you looked at the one-of-a-kind houses all around them. Striking and unique, not clones of one another. Hm. Didn't figure that one out.

I also didn't figure out the fact that KC has more snow than we did 7 hours to the north. Weird.

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