Monday, April 13, 2009

Mates of State

Mix one part "The Bird & The Bee", one part "The Weepies" and one part "Tegan & Sara", whisk vigorously, increasing volume to fill the hall, and you have Mates of State. It was a pretty interesting concert.

The Varsity was packed, more than I recall seeing it for a long time, but I don't think it's because this band had a huge following. Yeah, there were people who knew the lyrics (minimalist though they were), including a foursome right next to K and me. (we just rolled our eyes...)

I think it was because there was nothing else going on in town anywhere, given that it was Easter Sunday night. I mean, who goes to a rock concert on Easter?


Um... guess I do.

I was gonna say "pagans", but... ha. Guess I should keep my speculations to myself, huh?

But it was a fun night just the same. Good to catch up with K - it's been months, literally, since the last three-track party. And D was home sick (coming down with something throat-y and sinus-y), so... it was time well spent for me. And before K finally dragged in, I even got some studying done. No pictorial proof this time, sorry. The memory card on my phone died, and I have to replace it. :(

Before it died, though, I was able to get a shot of the first daffodil of the season, while lying on freshly raked grass in the front yard. :) So nice to look out my office window and see this:

Plus, I was able to document my visit to the holy grail of record stores around here. I hadn't been yet, and whenever I said so, I got such incredulous looks from people, along with "are you serious?", so when I was out and about on Saturday and needed to pick up tickets to an upcoming show (Taking Back Sunday, Anberlin, Envy on the Coast), I siezed the moment to pay homage:

I'm glad they added the store's vintage to the sign. It warmed my heart to think of it starting up back in the day when all the cool bands had nonsensical names like Jefferson Airplane, Iron Butterfly, Strawberry Alarm Clock and Led Zeppelin. :) Far out. Rock on.

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